Staying positive during challenging times

Posted by Indre Beganskaite on

So, we are well into the second week of COVID-19 quarantine here in Lithuania and there are many changes and challenges for everyone. We are a small business here at Mr. Bowl Ceramics; we do everything with our four hands so we can continue our work despite the current circumstances. Keeping our social distances of course! We are blessed that we can continue doing what we love, and that’s making dishes for all of you - It’s business as usual for Mr. Bowl Ceramics.

Whilst we live in difficult times and there are many challenges ahead, we’ve also noticed many beautiful and uplifting examples of kindness happening here in Lithuania that we wanted to share with you. We are positive people and we love to see the best of humanity come to the fore when times are tough!

  • Many young people are helping the elderly and making sure they are well cared for, doing things like shopping for food, going to the pharmacy and taking their dogs out for walkies.
  • Local restaurants are cooking meals for overworked doctors and families who find themselves in a difficult financial situation
  • Other businesses are performing miracles too by giving up their profits to focus on producing what is most needed - for example, masks and disinfectant liquids - as well as donating large sums to buy equipment for hospitals. 

It seems as if the entire country has united to overcome this epidemic, and there is already a system in place where people can apply for help as they need it. Volunteers respond to each and every case and we are so proud of them all! 

Inspired by this solidarity, we want to encourage everybody to use these difficult, housebound days to do positive things. And there’s no better way to change our habits than to slow down and spend more time with our families (even though we might have to do that online!). Let’s play more with our kids, cook more and create new traditions of eating together. Now’s the time to help our neighbours, our friends, and strangers too. Hardship makes us stronger and being together we can overcome this challenging situation!

Our philosophy here at Mr. Bowl Ceramics is one of slow living. We appreciate sustainable, locally-produced and responsible consumption, and we all know that our local small businesses will need all the support they can get right now. We want to inspire people to spend more time in the kitchen creating special, nutritious dishes for themselves and their families, and we hope that our lovingly handmade dishes will help with that! Because while we are aware that our dishes are far from the main priority these days, if you do want to brighten up your quarantine homelife with something beautiful - we are still here for you.

So grab some fresh ingredients, come up with some yummy recipe ideas that the whole family will appreciate, and use this quarantine time to nourish your body, soul and spirit! All the best in health and happiness from us here at Mr. Bowl Ceramics. 




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